20 Jun Dry Docking of MV Lardos
MV Lardos joined the Uniteam Marine Fleet in November 2021. Like every newcomer, the good lady required special attention and care to ensure her consistent integration into the new family with regards to quality and operational aspects.
Great importance was attached to upgrading her during drydocking class renewal, the third cycle of which she was approaching in 2022 when the maritime sector had just commenced recovering from the COVID- 19 stresses. Her trading business led the vessel to China and the decision was made to arrange the drydocking in Cheng Xi Shipyard located in Jiangyn on Yangtze River. China was going through the easing phase of the COVID-19 pandemic whereas shipyards resumed large- scale operation, attracting many vessels to steam into the reopening slots.
Thanks to timely preparations and well-organised supplies as well as precautionary pandemic measures established on board MV Lardos and across Cheng Xi Shipyard, the docking repairs progressed smoothly and without inter- ruptions. Although some unexpected issues triggered some brainstorming, as usually happens during docking repairs. Crew actively participated in the shipyard works and contributed significantly to upgrading her on the deck as well as in the engine room in close cooperation with the shipyard repair team and attending services. One of the major projects was connected with retrofitting her ballast system with an ERMA FIRST ballast water treat- ment unit FIT 300 designed according to electrolysis and filtration principles meeting applicable IMO and USCG compliance criteria. Components of the ballast water treatment unit were produced in Greece and forwarded to the Cheng Xi Shipyard and united perfectly with the locally prefabricated pipe network into a well-functioning system. Extensive works were conducted in cargo holds, deck structures and machineries and finally renewal of the hull coating.
Day by day the tired-looking lady was converted into a beauty like an ugly duckling grows into a swan. She left the shipyard just before New Year’s Eve 2022/23, ac- companied at the terminal by managers of the ship repair team looking proud of the job done.
Andrej Janzer, Vessel Superintendent